Monday, June 13, 2011

I'm Back and an Update

Blogging is always something I have intentions to do but it never actually happens. I've decided the further I get into education the more I want to blog. I obviously wouldn't be doing the work I'm doing if I didn't think it was of the utmost importance. If I truly believe what I do is important than why not share it with my friends, family, and others on the blogosphere? I could chalk up my blogging absence to busyness or apathy but I'll skip excuses and simply dive into updates of my life.

Let's go way back! The past two years I have been engaged with Teach For America teaching at a charter elementary charter school located on the west side of Indianapolis. The past two years have easily been two of the most forming and impacting years of my life as I do work I'm passionate about and meet people that truly inspire and impact my life. Fast forward, my two year commitment is now over (TFA Alum) and an array of opportunities have made themselves available for me.

I served my two year Teach For America commitment at one school (that I was placed at) but decided that that school was not the school I would choose to stay in. Don't get me wrong I love the demographic and population I serve at my school and will continue to serve the exact same population at my new school. I am moving to another charter on a different side of Indianapolis. The school is called KIPP Indy which is obviously a school in the KIPP network if you are familiar. Instead of teaching 5th grade everything (Reading, Writing, Math, Science, Social Studies) I will be teaching 7th grade math. So, obviously, I win. With familiar leadership, higher behavioral and academic expectations, and an increased salary it was a no brainer to move to KIPP.

The past two years I worked on and finished up my Masters in Teaching. As I continued to teach and the passion for quality education grew in me I decided that education leadership was an area I must pursue. I applied and go into a doctoral program where I will be pursuing my Doctorate in Education. After my 3 years in the program I will have my Ph. D and an Indiana principal's license. It's really a fast track to becoming a school leader and expanding my impact on public education specifically for an urban population.

That's a snapshot of what's happening in my life. The idea is to blog weekly. We'll see if it happens. I will publicize any blog post I make. I'll leave you with a link of something else I have done on the side of teaching. I have done some writing for Michelle Rhee's organization Students First. Here is an article I wrote about all of the recent education legislation in Indiana.

1 comment:

  1. I have recently thought about doing teach for america, and it sounds like it was a positve experience? Curious to know what were the good and bad times with that program. Hope you are well Schaefer.
