This is my first post in the blogosphere! I am excited to be blogging about my experience in Teach For America (TFA). I have started this journey in Teach For America and figured that since I'll be in Atlant for the majority of the summer and for Indianapolis for the next two years that I'd keep a blog to keep family and friends informed about what's going on in my life. I hope that I can stay disciplined and blog consistently enough for people to read and care.
The last week I was in Indianapolis for a period of time Teach For America calls Induction. Induction is basically an overview of the region I am going to teach in (Indianapolis) and of Teach For America as an organization. The week was great and the more I learned about Teach For America the more I was impressed with everything that they're about. I also learned a little bit about Indianapolis and the trouble they're in as far as education goes. Some recent research showed that out of the largest 50 cities in America that Indianapolis is dead last (#50) in graduation rate. So, obviously there is a lot to do in the city of Indianapolis. I just hope and pray that I can be a leader in the community and in the classroom. I don't come into Teach For America with the idea that I'm a hero; however, I just want to make a difference in lives of children in Indianapolis with one child at a time. I realize my job isn't to reform the Indianapolis Public School system and thank God that isn't my job because I'd be awful at it anyway.
The next few weeks (5 to be exact) in Atlanta I will learn how to be an effective classroom teacher while teaching summer school for Atlanta Public Schools. An average day will depend upon me waking up at 5:30 and going to bed close to midnight. Atlanta will be strenuous and a growing experience and will come back ready to make a difference in the lives of students in Indianapolis. I only hope I can make a difference in Atlanta Public Schools during my time here.
In the coming weeks, months, and years I hope to continue blogging on a regular basis to keep y'all informed on what's going on in my life. I hope people will read, subscribe, and look forward to what I have to say next. What you'll read wont be insightful, witty, or brilliant but it will be my life. Stay tuned for more.
ReplyDeleteGreat post. I liked it a lot. :) I'm going to pass this around with the family so they can follow you too! Now hopefully you'll have time to keep it up!
Love you tons,
ReplyDeleteMake it hap'n, cap'n. When all else fails, just answer "Jean Piaget."
ok, i LOVE your banner!!! so cool!!
ReplyDeleteoh, and great post! can't wait to read more!! :)